ME Association




My Story

Hi, I’m Harry and I am 17 years old. This is is my first Great North Run.  I have previously taken part in the Junior North Run, 5K parkruns and 10k roadraces this is my first half marathon.  Whilst running is one of my passions, this is definitely my biggest challenge yet. Therefore, I have decided to dedicate this run to a cause close to my heart; I am running to raise money for the ME Association. My older sister, Isobel, who is 24 years old, has suffered with ME since she was 11 years old.  She has now lived longer with ME!


ME can often generate false stereotypes such as it is "just tiredness". M.E goes well beyond this. isobel suffered with throat infections when she was 11 years old, one after the other and never recovered.

Isobel was left with this debilitating illness Myalgic Encephalitis (ME).  She is mostly bed and housebound , has limited mobility and uses a wheelchair. She suffers with joint pain, headaches, migraines, muscle pain, sensitivities to light, noise, smell and flu like symptoms, chronic fatigue, post-exertional malaise where symptoms can worsen with minimal excertion  and Postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS) where she can feel dizzy, sick, vision goes black and her heart rate increases very quickly after getting up from a sitting or lying down.

I remember when I was little and I used to go watch her play football and swimming.  She had lots of childhood activities such as dance and Girl Guides but everything stopped when she became ill. 


Intelligent and creative, Isobel has always had a passion and talent for make up artistry. However, due to ME, her education was messed up and she couldn’t fulfill her dreams by following the normal route of education, but she has never given up! She recently completed a level 3 diploma in Make Up Artistry.


Isobel is one of the strongest, determined people I know.  She is the go to person  to talk things through.  She has an awesome sense of humour and is caring and thoughtful.


As a 17 year old, I can’t imagine not being able to just get up go for a run or play football or meet up with friends.  For Isobel, every activity has to be carefully planned as any exercion of energy can lead to her symptoms worsening. For example, our eldest sister recently got married and Isobel enjoyed the day smiling and chatting and supporting our sister and people said how well she looked. However, they haven’t seen the aftermath where she has crashed, in pain and unable to leave her darkened room. This can be caused from bigger activities or something as simple as showering, walking and socialising.


There needs to be more understanding and research to help the thousands suffering with this illness and that is why I have chosen to run for the ME Association so I can do my bit to support Isobel and the other suffers and let them know they are not forgotten and we do care.


Please support me by donating to my fundraising for the ME Association.


Thank you



ME Association

Raising for:

ME Association


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Hi, I’m Harry and I am 17 years old. This is is my first Great North Run.  I have previously taken part in the Junior North Run, 5K parkruns and 10k roadraces this is my first half marathon.  Whilst running is one of my passions, this is definitely my biggest challenge yet. Therefore, I have decided to dedicate this run to a cause close to my heart; I am running to raise money for the ME Association. My older sister, Isobel, who is 24 years old, has suffered with ME since she was 11 years old.  She has now lived longer with ME!


ME can often generate false stereotypes such as it is "just tiredness". M.E goes well beyond this. isobel suffered with throat infections when she was 11 years old, one after the other and never recovered.

Isobel was left with this debilitating illness Myalgic Encephalitis (ME).  She is mostly bed and housebound , has limited mobility and uses a wheelchair. She suffers with joint pain, headaches, migraines, muscle pain, sensitivities to light, noise, smell and flu like symptoms, chronic fatigue, post-exertional malaise where symptoms can worsen with minimal excertion  and Postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS) where she can feel dizzy, sick, vision goes black and her heart rate increases very quickly after getting up from a sitting or lying down.

I remember when I was little and I used to go watch her play football and swimming.  She had lots of childhood activities such as dance and Girl Guides but everything stopped when she became ill. 


Intelligent and creative, Isobel has always had a passion and talent for make up artistry. However, due to ME, her education was messed up and she couldn’t fulfill her dreams by following the normal route of education, but she has never given up! She recently completed a level 3 diploma in Make Up Artistry.


Isobel is one of the strongest, determined people I know.  She is the go to person  to talk things through.  She has an awesome sense of humour and is caring and thoughtful.


As a 17 year old, I can’t imagine not being able to just get up go for a run or play football or meet up with friends.  For Isobel, every activity has to be carefully planned as any exercion of energy can lead to her symptoms worsening. For example, our eldest sister recently got married and Isobel enjoyed the day smiling and chatting and supporting our sister and people said how well she looked. However, they haven’t seen the aftermath where she has crashed, in pain and unable to leave her darkened room. This can be caused from bigger activities or something as simple as showering, walking and socialising.


There needs to be more understanding and research to help the thousands suffering with this illness and that is why I have chosen to run for the ME Association so I can do my bit to support Isobel and the other suffers and let them know they are not forgotten and we do care.


Please support me by donating to my fundraising for the ME Association.


Thank you
