My Story
Hi All,
I am raising money for Adoption Matters by running the Great North Run in September. Why Adoption matters, well they help thousands of children each year find the right family for them but also like my wife and I they help adults find children to make there / our family complete. Without Adoption matters we wouldn't have 2 beautiful children siblings. It's been the best decision we have made to know our family is complete but also knowing we are giving children potentially a better life with love and care.
without our support Adoption Matters wouldn't be able to provide the support and protection to children that they do.
£5 can pay for refreshments for a child to attend adoption matters choir
£25 could fund materials for use in therapy support package
£100 could provide a virtual therapeutic consultation session for any member of an Adoption Matters family with an Adoption professional.
your support would mean the world to me knowing that we can help give children the support they need and hopefully find there forever family.