Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter

Kay's page

Kay Griffiths

Kay Griffiths

My Story

I've a passion for dogs and own 6 of our own. We've hand reared pups including our Chocolate Labrador Cooper who came to us at 3 days old. Our very first ever rescue was from Newcastle Cat and Dog Shelter many years ago, a gorgeous little Liver and White Springer we named Bonnie. I'm thrilled to be raising money for a local charity and will hopefully do them proud

 60,000 determined and dedicated runners make the AJ Bell Great North Run the World’s biggest and best half marathon – famous for its warm North East welcome, unbeatable atmosphere and the millions raised for good causes.

We’ll see runners back on the AJ Bell Great North Run, city to sea course, on Sunday as we return to our traditional finish line in South Shields. The AJ Bell Great North Run is an opportunity for us all to come together and support one another.

If you're unable to run and have to withdraw from the 2024 AJ Bell Great North Run, you have the option to defer your 2024 AJ Bell Great North Place to the next year.  You can find more information here. 

If you have any event queries, see our FAQ section here.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I've a passion for dogs and own 6 of our own. We've hand reared pups including our Chocolate Labrador Cooper who came to us at 3 days old. Our very first ever rescue was from Newcastle Cat and Dog Shelter many years ago, a gorgeous little Liver and White Springer we named Bonnie. I'm thrilled to be raising money for a local charity and will hopefully do them proud

 60,000 determined and dedicated runners make the AJ Bell Great North Run the World’s biggest and best half marathon – famous for its warm North East welcome, unbeatable atmosphere and the millions raised for good causes.

We’ll see runners back on the AJ Bell Great North Run, city to sea course, on Sunday as we return to our traditional finish line in South Shields. The AJ Bell Great North Run is an opportunity for us all to come together and support one another.

If you're unable to run and have to withdraw from the 2024 AJ Bell Great North Run, you have the option to defer your 2024 AJ Bell Great North Place to the next year.  You can find more information here. 

If you have any event queries, see our FAQ section here.