Children's Cancer North

Great North Run for all the Annabels

Libby Marks

Libby Marks

My Story

Most of you know the story. At age 4, Annabel was diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk Nueroblastoma - a particularly horrible childhood cancer with a despicable survival rate.

At the time of writing this, she's received a year of amazing care at Newcastle's Great North Children's Hospital and benefitted greatly from support funded by Children's Cancer North (and Young Lives vs Cancer and Rainbow Trust).

By the time the GNR comes round, she should hopefully have just finished treatment and be cancer free 🤞 So I'm running for her and for all the other Annabels coming into treatment behind her.

Y'all know I'm an extremely reluctant runner - and I can barely run 3 miles right now. But your sponsorship - and the difference it will make to all the Annabels - will keep me going.

Please donate and make a difference to families going through the most utterly awful experience - the misery of which I hope and pray you'll never have to experience yourselves xx




  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Most of you know the story. At age 4, Annabel was diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk Nueroblastoma - a particularly horrible childhood cancer with a despicable survival rate.

At the time of writing this, she's received a year of amazing care at Newcastle's Great North Children's Hospital and benefitted greatly from support funded by Children's Cancer North (and Young Lives vs Cancer and Rainbow Trust).

By the time the GNR comes round, she should hopefully have just finished treatment and be cancer free 🤞 So I'm running for her and for all the other Annabels coming into treatment behind her.

Y'all know I'm an extremely reluctant runner - and I can barely run 3 miles right now. But your sponsorship - and the difference it will make to all the Annabels - will keep me going.

Please donate and make a difference to families going through the most utterly awful experience - the misery of which I hope and pray you'll never have to experience yourselves xx


Libby Marks is fundraising towards