Vasculitis UK

Ryan's page

Ryan Henson

Ryan Henson

My Story

In September I am running the Great North Run with my cousin Oliver, and uncle's Jim and Steve!

In 2013 my uncle Steve was diagnosed with ANCA Vasculitis and was admitted into the Royal Free Hospital.

After spending time in intensive care, Steve's initial recovery lasted eight months and included injections, six rounds of chemotherapy and medication including steroids. 

For many people, having vasculitis is a life-changing experience which affects every aspect of life. It also affects those around them – family and friends as well as the ability to work. Some are left with permanent physical damage or disability or psychological damage.

All contributions will go towards the work of Vasculitis UK which supports research into the causes and effects of vasculitis and into improvements in the diagnosis of vasculitis and into treatment of people suffering from different types of vasculitis.

Thank you for your support, it is really appreciated!

Vasculitis UK

Raising for:

Vasculitis UK


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  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

In September I am running the Great North Run with my cousin Oliver, and uncle's Jim and Steve!

In 2013 my uncle Steve was diagnosed with ANCA Vasculitis and was admitted into the Royal Free Hospital.

After spending time in intensive care, Steve's initial recovery lasted eight months and included injections, six rounds of chemotherapy and medication including steroids. 

For many people, having vasculitis is a life-changing experience which affects every aspect of life. It also affects those around them – family and friends as well as the ability to work. Some are left with permanent physical damage or disability or psychological damage.

All contributions will go towards the work of Vasculitis UK which supports research into the causes and effects of vasculitis and into improvements in the diagnosis of vasculitis and into treatment of people suffering from different types of vasculitis.

Thank you for your support, it is really appreciated!