Sam's page

Sam Wealleans

Sam Wealleans

My Story

I'm running the Great North Run on Sunday the 8th of September 2024 for mental health charity Mind and also in memory of my sister Carly and family friend Matty Wall. 

Any donations would be greatly appreciated.

1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England.

If the money I raise helps just 1 person who's going through a difficult time and prevents them from taking their own life I'll be happy! 




  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I'm running the Great North Run on Sunday the 8th of September 2024 for mental health charity Mind and also in memory of my sister Carly and family friend Matty Wall. 

Any donations would be greatly appreciated.

1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England.

If the money I raise helps just 1 person who's going through a difficult time and prevents them from taking their own life I'll be happy! 
